====== The File Explorer ====== An archive of everything laser starts right here, with our File Explorer.\\ \\ {{:screenshot_2024-06-17_162412.png?nolink&400|}}\\ \\ One of our biggest struggles when we got into laser marking was dealing with the difficulty of finding manuals, specifications and software for our equipment. Since then we've made it our personal mission to collect as many of these priceless resources as possible.\\ \\ The File Explorer showcases the results of that mission. Inside you'll find all the software and documentation needed to understand and operate your equipment successfully. We carry a boat load of Ezcad files and folders, a laser parameter converter, hardware and software manuals, spec sheets for dozens of laser sources, reference materials and way more. The list goes on and on. \\ \\ However impressive we feel the download center is, it could always be improved. If you have manuals, software or anything else under the sun that may help someone down the road please share those files with us so they can be added to our archive project and maintained for future laser engraving experts to reference in the future. Until then, have a look through what it offers - we think you'll be impressed.\\ \\ Click this link to access the [[https://db.lasereverything.net/files/index.php|the file explorer]].