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The Material Safety Database

Laserin' is dangerous business. Don't wander in blind.

There are so many places online and out in the world handing out bad information about what is and is not safe to mark, cut and engrave with your laser. We've published and are regularly adding to our Material Safety Lookup to cut through the BS and offer you what we think is the best information available online. Designed to help keep you safe while operating your machine, our guides are based on science, MSDS research and always err on the side of caution.

We always suggest doing your own research, find relevant MSDS documentation for your material and if possible consult a materials professional before working with a new material you're unsure about. That said, this quick reference is intended to give you an idea of which materials we believe to be a risk and why our research led us to that opinion.

Click this link to access the material safety database.

material_safety_database.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 06:14 by alex